Rebirth and renewal with perseverance, going on , gallant and confident, towards the defining your purpose and live with intention.
Are you going through a tremendous painful time in your life? One in which nothing seems to make sense, and you feel as if there’s no way out of the darkness?
The Dark Night of the Soul is a term from the writings of Saint John of the Cross. These writings were composed in 1547 ,when Saint John was imprisoned for months on end in a dungeon by his own Christian order because of his beliefs.
In the darkness of his cell that was left to him was God.
This concept - that through great suffering and deprivation, a higher consciousness can be attained that brings the individual closer to the God-has now become mainstream in the collective consciousness.
During this dark period , one feels like being stuck, depressed, lost and lonely. Everything seems meaningless and empty.
All these symptoms are there to teach you LOVE, SURRENDER, TRUST, CONNECTION and ACCEPTANCE.
In other words, they have come to teach you about your true self.
The key is to explore and embrace the phase you are in , and through this you will learn lessons, in order to transform and move through them.
Some of the great things in life start with a single step: making a choice:
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Welcome, Brave Soul! This free meditation will help to regain your vitality and bravery to live with intention.